Series class- Moms typically join when baby is 4-16 weeks old

A place to sort through the noise and surround yourself with people who “get it.” 
Milestones is a safe and supportive space to share both your struggles and successes as you navigate your new roles. Meaning, this is your time to share, ask questions, listen and collect tips, tools and tricks sure to strengthen your mom game + make you feel “sane” again. Moreover, we promise to facilitate it in a manner that ensures it’s honest, respectful, and productive! Class is led by a licensed family therapist specializing in the transition to new motherhood.


Seperate classes for infant or toddlers!
Enjoy bonding with your little as you heal and stretch your body!
Classes for parents with newborns through toddlers, include fun age-appropriate activities, such as baby massage for the infants and more fun, active elements in the toddler class!
Click orange buttons for more detailed info on each class.
Questions? 949-244-1421


Series class (start age 6-12 mos)
May/ June 4/30-3/22 (Last chance— limited classes over summer!)

$208 = 2 adults + baby x 8 weeks weekday or Saturday
Class includes
book & online version to share with family near & far.
Let best-selling baby signing expert & author, Monta Z Briant help open a window into your baby’s mind with this super-fun class featuring music, stories, puppets, games, bubbles and a weekly parent lesson! Make new friends while learning how to lower frustration, and enhance bonding, speech, and literacy.

No time for in person classes? Try the online class!
Email   / 619-987-4834



Series class- Toddler & Preschooler

Nightingale Music combines all types of music from traditional nursery songs, to classical, to rock-n-roll with creative movement, games and percussion instrument playing to enhance learning and initiate children into the magical world of music. The multi-sensory class features wonderfully varied manipulatives, puppets, parachute, drums, xylophones & bubbles, bringing a fresh and new lesson each week!
Email  / 858-488-3244